What is financial software?
An accounting program… It might sound dull and obsolete, but it is without doubt the backbone of the organization. After all where would we be without finance right? The software automates accounting and records sales invoices, purchace invoices, bank statements and changes in the generalledger (GL).
What are the benefits of Financial software?
An accountant can work from anywhere. With a computer and internet the user can login to the website of the accounting software. An insight in financials is available anytime and anywhere.
Online data is being processed immediately, for example an annual review. Also, data time registration of employees and revenue can be logged quickly. That saves time and reduces room for errors.
Are multiple people in the company responsible for the administration? Because different people can access the system anywhere at anytime, your accounting is always up to date.
The accountant can get the permission to view the accounting. That saves time and money and thanks to realtime insights he can give better advice. Accountants can adjust in time.
Online accounting programs are connected to online banking, the incoming and outgoing invoices stream, and to a checkout system, reservations or personnel administration. This means that the accountant does not have to type data, which reduces the margin of error. It also speeds up the administration. This process of connecting systems is called chain optimization.
By accounting online, back-ups are made automatically. The accounting is safe from fire or carelessness. Accounting programs work with multiple big servers where data is stored securely.
Online accounting programs get automatic updates. Purchasing a new program is not necessary.

What to look for when selecting Financial software?

What is financial software used for?
- Articles and subscriptions
- VAT returns
- Accounts payable and credit management
- Electronic Banking
- Issue quotations and invoices
- Checkout functions
- Planning & Budget
- Project and time management
- Reporting and data analysis
- Collaboration with the accountant
- Webshop integration