For IT Partners
The knowledge of and experience with IT propositions of the people behind “Kennisplatform ICT” is unprecedented. Our platform collects many inquiries for IT and software solutions which then are linked to the best suited partners.
Why Kennisplatform?
Our staff members have a background in IT. When assessing the application we therefore know exactly what the applicant is looking for. We interview the applicant personally to find out what challenges the organization is facing and which requirements need to be met in order to find the best possible solution for the upcoming IT project.
We match the results with our IT Partners and introduce the applicant with the partner. KennisPlatform ICT only invoices if there is a match.

How do we work?
We start working for the applicant immediately. With the list of preferences and requirements we approach IT partners who we think will best meet the prospect’s needs.
What do we know about the IT market?
We started in 2014. Today we are considered a prime knowledge partner of IT suppliers. Our employees interact with prospects of ICT companies on a daily basis. They speak the customers’ language and are a serious discussion partner in the field of ICT products and solutions.

Market information and valuable databases
Of approximately 75,000 Dutch organizations, we know which software packages are in use. We have a clear view of how the market is divided between well-known players such as Microsoft, SAP, Exact and Afas. How? In addition to the daily interaction with customers and IT suppliers, we put a lot of time and effort in market research. And it pays off. Over the past five years we have built up an excellent database. Through our ongoing market research, we know exactly in which direction the market is moving.